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Ron Malezis

About Ron Malezis

My name is Ron Malezis. I am the founder of LeadPower.net. For over 30 years I’ve been a respected producer in the network marketing profession. As a top earner in this industry, I built downline teams to over 100,000 reps with 3 separate companies. That’s because early on I learned how to capitalize on the powerful advantage of having teams who worked leads. We mastered a simple set of skills and became very successful. There is a clear, proven system to working leads, and it is one of the most financially rewarding activities you and your team can do. I want to teach you everything you need to know about how to effectively work leads and eliminate any obstacles you may face along the way. I have created a number of very effective resources that will teach you precisely what you need to know. I’ll reveal some surprisingly simple truths and teach you exactly what to do in order to build a massively profitable business.

If your dreams don’t SCARE you, they’re not BIG enough.

Ron here. Let’s talk about your dreams.

If your dreams don’t SCARE you, they aren’t BIG enough.

One of the greatest motivators, was the often quoted, Glenn W. Turner who became famous for teaching people to DARE TO BE GREAT.

Unfortunately, instead of daring to be great, most people seem to be okay with being just average. […]

By |January 19th, 2022|Motivation, Uncategorized|Comments Off on If your dreams don’t SCARE you, they’re not BIG enough.


Being “Average” just doesn’t cut it in the real world. While the focus of this report is on Network Marketing, it really doesn’t matter what category we’re talking about, because being average in just about anything usually equates to failure.

I know that sounds harsh but hear me out.

Let’s look at online education.  More than […]

By |January 3rd, 2022|Motivation|Comments Off on THE HIGH COST OF BEING AVERAGE (And Your 30 DAY CHALLENGE!)

FOCUS on your TARGET. Avoid the distractions.

Ron here with a word of advice that will INSTANTLY help you to become far more productive and profitable. But, before I give you that word of advice, let’s see if this situation rings true to you.

You know that the SINGLE BIGGEST FACTOR to achieving success in Network Marketing can be summed up in […]

By |November 11th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on FOCUS on your TARGET. Avoid the distractions.

Feel The FEAR – And Do It ANYWAY


Feel the Fear! I know what you’re afraid of.

Sometimes people think that those who are brave do not feel fear.  That is simply not true.

What IS true is that those who are brave FEEL THE FEAR… and do it anyway.

A fireman or policeman faced with life and death situations runs towards the danger that […]

By |November 9th, 2021|Live Dials Training|Comments Off on Feel The FEAR – And Do It ANYWAY

Here’s how to capitalize on your own ACRES OF DIAMONDS

Ron here with something I don’t think I’ve ever written to you about before.

There is a wonderfully inspiring best-selling book called ACRES OF DIAMONDS. Maybe you’ve heard of it or possibly have read it.  If not, I strongly recommend it.

It was written by Russell Conwell, who was a minister, and went on to become […]

By |November 2nd, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Here’s how to capitalize on your own ACRES OF DIAMONDS

These 21 MINUTES Can Change Your Financial Life

Ron here. All I can say is WOW!


has NEVER been a better time in all of recorded history to build your Home-Based Business.

Our business model is EXPLODING across the planet.  People, who in the past would have ‘turned their noses up’ at our profession, are now coming aboard in DROVES.  We’ve never seen anything […]

By |October 17th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on These 21 MINUTES Can Change Your Financial Life

The “TAPROOT” System to ENDLESS Prospects

Ron here with an old ‘tried & true’ technique that may be a completely NEW idea for you.

It’s called the TAPROOT system, and it can deliver impressive results for you, as it dramatically accelerates the growth of your team.

In fact, it can help you to generate an ENDLESS SUPPLY of FREE PROSPECTS. It has been used for decades […]

By |June 15th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The “TAPROOT” System to ENDLESS Prospects

How Far You’ve Come Is Less Important Than How Far You Can Go!

Ron here with some perspective worth noting.

How far you’ve come is less important than how far you can go.

While you may have overcome many obstacles and circumstances in your life to get where you are today, don’t stop. You can still accomplish more.

It’s a wonderful feeling to look back and realize just how far […]

By |June 2nd, 2021|Motivation|Comments Off on How Far You’ve Come Is Less Important Than How Far You Can Go!

It is NOT just a PHONE it’s a LIFE JACKET

It’s NOT just a PHONE… it’s a LIFE JACKET



Ron here with an eye-opening observation.

While it looks and works just like any other cell phone, it is really a LIFE JACKET!

What’s more, this LIFE JACKET is not only capable of saving you financially, it can also help you rescue countless others who are in turbulent […]

By |May 22nd, 2021|Motivation|Comments Off on It is NOT just a PHONE it’s a LIFE JACKET

This No-Cost SUPER FUNNEL solves your problems!

A moneymaking SOLUTION to some of the most frequent problems you and your reps face when building your business.

See if YOU can relate to these common issues.

Problem 1.  Your company doesn’t have good online sales materials to send to prospects that persuasively explain the advantages of a home-based business.

Problem 2. You’ve got prospects who […]

By |July 22nd, 2020|newsletter, The Real Deal|Comments Off on This No-Cost SUPER FUNNEL solves your problems!