Get This Easy-To-Read Set of Network Marketing Guides NOW!
Build A Successful, Profitable Business Faster and Easier
Without Wasting Your Time, Money, & Effort
Here, together in one convenient place, is our collection of the very best resources available to help you succeed in your network marketing business.
Applying the knowledge you gain from this stockpile of information will enable you to build a large, profitable business and successfully create the lifestyle of your dreams.
428% Increase in Recruiting
19 Pages
The Profitable Network Marketer
30 Pages
Network Marketing is the Shortcut to Financial Success 14 Pages
Best Ways to Contact your Leads…Scripts and More!
14 Pages
The Network Marketing Blueprint
92 Pages
The Formatted Interview Process 42 Powerful Questions to ask your Prospects 10 Pages
The Network Marketing SUPER Funnel 4 Page Instructions on HOW to USE
Our Price List
Weekly Conference Call Handout
4 Pages
Corporate Brochure
21 Module MLM/Network Marketing Training Course
![how our program works](http://leadpower.net/freetraining/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/how-our-program-works-232x300.jpg)
[7 Simple Steps to Take] 4 Pages
![POST 7](http://leadpower.net/freetraining/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/POST-7-300x300.png)
Upline Coach Marketing System
Custom Script for Career / Job Seeker Leads 8 Pages
Closing Prospects with the Right Six Questions after they have Watched a Presentation. 4 Pages
“My name is Ron Malezis. I am the founder of LeadPower.net. For over 30 years I’ve been a respected producer in the network marketing profession. As a top earner in this industry, I built downline teams to over 100,000 reps with 3 separate companies.
That’s because early on I learned how to capitalize on the powerful advantage of having teams who worked leads. We mastered a simple set of skills and became very successful.
There is a clear, proven system to working leads, and it is one of the most financially rewarding activities you and your team can do. I want to teach you everything you need to know about how to effectively work leads and eliminate any obstacles you may face along the way.
I have created a number of very effective resources that will teach you precisely what you need to know. I’ll reveal some surprisingly simple truths and teach you exactly what to do in order to build a massively profitable business.”
A Wonderful Idea
We’ve made it simple… but Network Marketing can be HARD. Just look at the high failure rate of well-intentioned people who have attempted to build a business. One of the main causes of their failure is that people often misunderstand our business model.
They attempt to treat it like something its not. No wonder they fail at it. In our breakthrough illustrated training guides you will learn the CORRECT ways to build your business. Even more importantly, you will understand exactly what to do and what to say in order to achieve rapid results.
There is nothing complicated about this. These books are easy to read and understand. It’s not a bunch of theory and philosophy either. You’ll get practical, applicable information that is immediately useful. And that’s a wonderful idea. Isn’t it?
Increase Your Conversions
THE BEST LEADS are those people who have identified themselves in some way that they are immediately interested in being in a home-based business now.
Doesn’t it just make sense to spend the majority of your time with people like that, rather than constantly prospecting to find those who are interested? Our company, Lead Power, has decades of experience in developing the very best leads that are specific to the network marketing industry.
This has allowed us to build efficient systems to identify, attract and pre-qualify people who actually want to be in a home-based business right now. Then we immediately pass those people on to you in real time so you can establish personal contact with them.
The network marketing training guides we are providing to you on this page will step you through the exact process for connecting with them, making effective presentations, and enrolling them into your business.
Dominate the Market
When you invest your time and energy into contacting people who have already been identified as having an interest, it should be easy to understand that your business growth will be highly accelerated.
Even better, when you duplicate this system of working pre-qualified leads with each new person on your team, you can experience a level of success that will be truly impressive. That is why we’ve taken such care in developing good educational resources for you.
This way, instead of stumbling to find the path, you can enjoy a smooth road that’s already been paved for you.
Take the time to not only read the information presented in our proven training guides, but you must also apply these ideas with a high level of personal persistence and dedication to achieving your own success.
We are pleased and proud to be able to provide you with such high-quality network marketing training guides. Each of them gives you very specific information that is immediately useful.
This is not a bunch of theory or hype. These guides are fully illustrated, written in a straight-forward manner that makes them easy to understand, and are professionally designed.
Once you’ve downloaded them, you can send them to others to help you build your team, as these guides are also very persuasive.
They clearly explain the multitude of reasons you need to have a home-based business now, more than ever.
You’ll also gain an unshakable appreciation for the numerous benefits you’ll enjoy by having a home business. In addition, they give the reader a high level of comfort and understanding that they too can be successful with this business model.