A moneymaking SOLUTION to some of the most frequent problems you and your reps face when building your business.
See if YOU can relate to these common issues.
Problem 1. Your company doesn’t have good online sales materials to send to prospects that persuasively explain the advantages of a home-based business.
Problem 2. You’ve got prospects who have the wrong idea about what this is all about, and you want to get them back on the right track.
Problem 3. You want to FOLLOW UP with prospects, but you need something really compelling to send to them.
I’m going to give you THE SOLUTION to every one of those issues… and a whole lot more.
YES! I said GIVE you, as there is absolutely NO COST for you to use this SUPER FUNNEL.
In this email, I’m going to explain the various ways to use this SUPER FUNNEL, but I’ll need you to actually click the links and go to the pages, so you can see for yourself how this ultra-effective system can benefit you.
First, study the following illustration for a moment. Then, after you’ve reviewed the 4 steps shown in this diagram, we’ll go into detail explaining how to use the SUPER FUNNEL
Now that you have spent a moment digesting the information in that image, CLICK HERE and you will be taken to the SUPER FUNNEL itself. Please look at each page and familiarize yourself with it.
Even before we get into the content, you’ll notice that the URL is www.HomeBusinessInfo.net This is not only very easy to remember, it is a totally GENERIC name, which helps you promote the concept and benefits of a Home Business.
One of the most advantageous aspects of this Super Funnel is that it is designed for you to use either PART or ALL of it.
It is built with a modular design so that after speaking with a prospect, you can select the part or parts that will best move your prospect to the next action.
There are 3 pages on this site. Each page contains a video that explains another important aspect of our business. Pages 1 & 3 also contain compelling eBooks they can download for free.
This site is INFORMATION PACKED. The content is written in such a way as to ADVISE your prospect about the best aspects of a Home Business and it answers many of their questions in advance. It effectively helps ELIMINATE OBJECTIONS and REDUCE SKEPTICISM.
Page One
On the 1st page, you’ll see a professionally produced video that is less than 4 minutes long, followed by some persuasive bullet points which encourages your viewer to download a very informative eBook on how to FINANCIALLY PROTECT YOURSELF & YOUR FAMILY.
The eBook is FREE and you’ll be notified by email when they download it. That will help you plan and schedule your follow up for the best results. This eBook helps to ‘pre-frame’ the entire concept of why they must be in a home business now, and how they should select one that is ideal for them.
Page Two
The 2nd page contains a 21 Minute Video which thoroughly explains our business model. Using an authoritative viewpoint delivered from a ‘neutral third party’, your prospect is walked step-by-step through the most important advantages of our profession.
What’s really great is that you can send this video, by itself, to a prospect as a “Next Step” method of following up. In fact, it’s even called the Next Step in the URL.
Page 3
Page 3 of the Super Funnel helps you CLOSE THE DEAL. It provides the information your prospect should know about being ready to GET STARTED.
In addition to the in formative, persuasive video, there’s also a basic training guide for them to download. This helps pre-condition their minds to begin taking the actions necessary to get off to the best start possible.
Once again, you can send this page by itself to those who you think are ready to get started, or want a better understanding of what’s expected of them.
I strongly recommend you watch each of the videos and also download each of the eBooks. This way you will be completely familiar with what is contained in each segment.
Then you can use this SUPER FUNNEL with surgical precision to move each prospect forward through your recruiting process.
All in all, you will be able to use this powerfully effective site to help you understand your own business better, give you better language to use, remind you of good points to make when speaking with prospects, while at the same time enabling you to CLOSE MORE BUSINESS NOW!
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