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You may not think of me as a philosopher. So, it may come as a surprise to you that in this very important email I’m quoting Gandhi.

Despite having come from a completely different time and place, he said something that perfectly applies to YOU as a marketer.


Your month is already half over.  You may not be where you were hoping to be by this time.  You may not have the sales or the volume you were counting on or were expecting.

SO WHAT?  I want you to pay extra close attention to what I’m about to tell you right now.

IT DOESN’T MATTER!  That’s right, it just doesn’t matter how much volume you’ve accumulated so far, or what your results are up to this point of the month.

WHY?  Because this is the SECOND HALF.  Those of you who are sports fans have seen some crazy comebacks by teams that looked like they were down and out.

Here’s just one example.

Back in 2015, the Patriots trailed the Seahawks 24-14 heading into the fourth quarter of Super Bowl XLIX.  NO team had ever overcome a double-digit 2nd half deficit to win a Super Bowl… EVER!

In fact, teams trailing by 10 or more points at the start of the fourth quarter had NEVER won in 29 past Super Bowls.

But the Patriots fought back and won, making theirs the biggest 2nd half comeback in Super Bowl history.

Now, I don’t care if you love/hate the Patriots or even football for that matter.

THE POINT is this.  It’s something that another great philosopher: TONY ROBBINS, often says:


It doesn’t matter that the month is half over.  You’ve STILL got another half.

The only thing that matters is WHAT YOU DO TODAY… and each day for the rest of your month.

Step up your game!

The ONLY solution that is guaranteed to work EVERY TIME is to talk to more pre-qualified people.  That’s it.  Period.

Of course, we here at Lead Power can help you with that, but however, you do it, talk to more people EVERY DAY.

Do that and you can enjoy the success and financial rewards that are waiting for you.