by Lead Power | May 11, 2023 | newsletter
Ron Here! Are you struggling to close your prospects? Are you feeling lost when it comes to the big question – how do I get them to sign up? You don’t have to worry anymore – I have a simple closing methodology that works in every company and country, with...
by Lead Power | Oct 12, 2022 | newsletter
It’s not IF, but WHEN. Here’s how LEADS become REPS. Of course, not every single lead is a buyer. But let’s reverse it. EVERY SINGLE NEW CUSTOMER/REP was once somebody’s prospect/lead. Look. It’s simple. SOMEBODY is going to sign that lead-up. Why not YOU? Think...
by Lead Power | Sep 12, 2022 | newsletter
All EXCUSES are equal. But here’s how to SUCCEED ANYWAY! Here’s a story that makes a powerful point. A neighbor who was always borrowing stuff came and asked to borrow my lawn mower. I told him “Sorry. I can’t lend it to you. You see, my wife is making lasagna...
by Lead Power | Sep 9, 2022 | newsletter
WHAT are you waiting for? DO THIS and get results now. Are you procrastinating about building your business? If so, you’re not alone. Nobody… I mean NOBODY… is motivated all the time. It’s OK. I’ve got a simple solution for you. Keep reading. Think about your regular...
by Lead Power | Sep 6, 2022 | newsletter
It’s not IF, but WHEN. Here’s how LEADS become REPS. Of course, not every single lead is a buyer. But let’s reverse it. EVERY SINGLE NEW CUSTOMER/REP was once somebody’s prospect/lead. Look. It’s simple. SOMEBODY is going to sign that lead-up. Why not YOU? Think...