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If you’re going to be successful in network marketing, guess what you got to do? You have to reprogram your mind. You got to think completely different than you’ve thought up until this point.If you’re a traditional business owner, you think you’re going to just be able to apply all the traditional business concepts into this and make it work? No. You got to learn how to think different.

If you’ve been an employee, you got to learn how to think different. If you work in blue-collar, you got to think different. If you’re a sales person, you got to learn how to think different. You can’t just think the same and expect to get big results inside a network marketing. This is its own thing. This is its own animal.

You got to think different about a lot of things. Let me give you some examples. You got to think different about rejection. The book Golfer, no, did a great job in my opinion. Getting people to look differently at the word no.

Some people take rejection and they’d take it to the map. In other words, when they get rejected, they are just destroyed. They’re wrecked.

And if rejection, if you put it into your mind that rejection equals you don’t have any value, rejection equals you don’t have any worth, rejection equals you’re stupid, rejection equals you’ve made a bad decision, rejection equals you’re not likable. If that’s what rejection means to you, that will create the reality for you.

If you’re going to be involved in network marketing, you have to retrain your brain that rejection is just a sorting mechanism for who’s ready and who’s not ready. Who’s coin-operated and who’s entrepreneurial? Who’s open for business and who’s closed? It’s just a way. I wish people would wear a red hat if they’re not ready to join an opportunity and a green one if they were. Wouldn’t that be good?

But since they don’t, guess what they do in exchange? They’d offer you this gift of rejection to let you know. Where you’re spending good time and where you’re not spending good time. That’s all it is.

It doesn’t mean you’re not valuable, you’re not worthy, you’re not capable, you’re not likeable; doesn’t mean you’ve made a bad decision, it doesn’t mean your products are no good, it doesn’t mean network marketing’s bad, it doesn’t any of those things.

All it means is they’re not ready, all it means is they might be coin-operated, all it means is they don’t understand right now—that’s all it means.

So you have to retrain your mind. I got to the point where I got proud when somebody would give me some rejection because it differentiated me. It made me feel courageous for doing what I did. I didn’t say that they were stuck in the matrix. I didn’t point and say you’re stuck in the matrix. But I felt that every time I got rejection, I felt like “Kneel man. I’m the one.”

They want to be stuck. Let them be stuck. That’s okay. But here’s the thing, the thing is, if you let rejection define you in a negative way, if that’s how you think you better be careful because it will create a future for you and it will create fears in you that aren’t real, they’re just illusions.

If they want to be stuck, let them be stuck. But if you let rejection define you in a negative way, you will create a future for you and fears in you that aren’t real.  Network Marketing Rejection.  Additional Great Value Promotions go to  http://leadpower.net/telephone-interviewed