LEAD POWER is NOT a Network Marketing company. However, we ARE one of the world’s largest, most successful, most reputable VENDOR of the highest quality leads, specializing in the Network Marketing profession.
LEAD POWER truly is your ultimate one-stop-shop for the very best Home Based Business and MLM leads! We provide you with only the freshest, most up-to-date leads possible, to help you build a successful, profitable, and sustainable business.
NEVER AGAIN WORRY about not having enough prospects to talk to about your business.
- NO bugging family and friends.
- NO wasted time and money learning how to advertise
- NO time spent blogging or creating videos that never get seen
- NO building expensive sales funnels, or endless hours writing copy
ALL THE LEADS you receive from us are highly qualified individuals who have stepped-up and identified themselves as being interested in getting involved with a home based business. You just have to reach out and connect with them.
Investment Qualified Telephone Interviewed Leads (Best Quality) You SET YOUR DAILY AMOUNT
Imagine having a Investment Telephone Interviewed Lead that has been interviewed and qualified for an investment of at least $100, a time commitment of 5 to 10 hours per week and an expectation to want to make $500-$1000 extra per month. It doesn’t get any better than this! Investment qualified telephone interviewed leads are the best leads for your home-based business.
These prospects are expecting a call their prepared for an interview and it’s only a matter of whether they like your business opportunity that you have to offer… But they are looking!
These leads are expensive but they are great value. Why are they so expensive because we have to pay an operator to make 94 phone calls and speak to prospects before they can convert one lead. But those are phone calls that you’re not having to make. Remember time is money….
– See more at: https://leadpower.net/investment-telephone-interviewed-leads
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Package 4
Telephone Interviewed Lead Packages (Best Value-Great Quality) Delivered Daily 2PM -3:00 PM EST
Our telephone interviewed leads have been called and contacted by one of her call center agents they have confirmed that the prospect is interested in hearing about a home-based business where they can earn some additional income working from home. They have confirmed best time to call and given permission for someone to call him about a business opportunity. These leads are shared two times and they are 24 to 48 hours old. You get 30 leads daily for 20 days Monday through Friday. No weekend deliveries. You also get 10% extra overage to compensate for bad leads.
– See more at: https://leadpower.net/leads/telephone-interviewed-mlm-leads/telephone-interviewed-leads-packages/
Package 1
Package 2
Package 3
Package 4
Real Time Telephone Interviewed Leads (Great Quality) You SET YOUR DAILY AMOUNT [ Delivered between 11AM -7:00 PM EST]
Our telephone interviewed leads have been called and contacted by one of her call center agents they have confirmed that the prospect is interested in hearing about a home-based business where they can earn some additional income working from home. They have confirmed best time to call and given permission for someone to call him about a business opportunity. These leads are shared two times and they are Real Time hours hours old. No weekend deliveries. You also get 10% extra overage to compensate for bad leads.
-See more at https://leadpower.net/leads/telephone-interviewed-mlm-leads/
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Package 4
Real Time Short Form Lead Packages (Great Value-Great Quality) [ Delivered between 11AM -7:00 PM EST]
Our real-time short form leads have been generated 100% on the Internet, they have filled out one of our landing pages and have submitted their information. With real-time short form leads you get: first name, last name, email, IP address and time and date stamp. These are an excellent lead and have been one of our best-selling products for the past 15 years. These leads are used on live training conference calls. These leads are delivered Monday through Friday, plus you get 10% overage to compensate for any bad leads.
-See more at https://leadpower.net/leads/premium-mlm-short-forms/real-time-short-forms-packages/
Diamond Exclusive Leads (With Redirect ) [ Delivered between 11AM -7:00 PM EST]
Our diamond exclusive leads are our best real-time short form leads, these prospects have filled on online form requesting additional information about a home based business by working from home. We can also redirect these leads to your landing page your website, whatever URL you provide us. Included with these leads: first name, last name, state, phone number, email address, IP address and time and date stamp.
-See more at https://leadpower.net/leads/diamondexclusives/
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Canadian MLM Leads [ Delivered between 24 HRS DAILY ]
Canadian MLM leads are the same as Canadian business opportunity seekers. There are over 35 million Canadians, the marketplace is very similar to the United States but it is a different marketplace. These individuals have filled out an online form and are looking for more information about starting a home-based business. Not every company that’s involved in network marketing operates in Canada but a lot do. If you’re looking to build a business in the Canadian marketplace these leads are perfect. Included with these leads are as follows: name, phone number, email, ip adress. time and date stamp. You get 10% overage to replace bad leads.
-See more at https://leadpower.net/leads/international-mlm-leads/canadian-mlm-leads/
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Pricing table does not exist. Please check your shortcode.
Global Expansion Leads from 52 Countries [All at Once as ordered]
Here is your opportunity for true global reach we have leads from over 52 countries from around the world. If you’re looking to build a business in one of these countries and don’t have any contacts this is a great way to start. If your company is planning to expand or has expanded into one of these countries this is also a great way to launch a business. These prospects have all attended a live seminar and have expressed an interest by earning an income online starting a new business. This is how the summoner has been advertised in the local markets. Any one of these attendees is a valid prospect for a network marketing business. Remember the call to action and opening up a new country were being one of the very first in a new country to launch is very powerful.
-See more at https://leadpower.net/leads/international-mlm-leads/52-countries/
Business Opportunity Buyers and Post Card Leads [All at Once as ordered]
Our business opportunity buyers have purchased a home-based business course. These individuals have used their credit card and have spent from $30-$500. They are actively looking for a business opportunity and are proven to spend money. These leads are generally 30+ days old. Remember, these people are looking and whether the 30 days old 90 days old circumstances don’t change that much. These leads can also be used as postcard leads. The information included with this data is as follows: first name, last name, full postal, telephone. No email address.
These contacts are great for call centers, individuals using dialers and/or postcard mailings.
-See more at https://leadpower.net/leads/buyer-files/
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Option 4
Local Leads [Delivered Daily at 4:00 PM EST]
MAGINE being able to hand-select up to 5 telephone area codes as your targeted local area. Then, receiving as many pre-qualified prospects as you want. These leads are ALL people who have ‘raised their hands’ to show they are interested in a Home-Based Business.
This is PERFECT for when you want to meet your prospects in person, or invite them to an upcoming meeting in a local area. Just THINK how big and profitable your team would be if you could have brand new guests at every company event around the country. WOW!!
GETTING THESE LEADS IS FAR BETTER than the hit-or-miss strategy of running ads in a local paper or online forum. You don’t waste your money or your time writing and testing different ads to see what works. And it’s OBVIOUSLY far more effective that trying to work referrals, because you don’t waste crazy amounts of time trying to reach and then qualify people who may have zero interest.
Free Resources
We strongly encourage you to download and read these important free resources.
You will achieve tremendous personal growth and enjoy meaningful financial rewards by taking advantage of what we offer here.